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Deionized Water and Coolant Mixtures

We produce and supply deionized water and coolant in various qualities.


We produce deionized water in several qualities. We are also a supplier of coolants pre-mixed with deionized water according to your wishes for a customized product. We supply to offshore, industry, food, etc., and have regular customers in Rogaland, offshore and deliver to the whole country.


Our deionized water is of high quality: < 3.0uS/cm. We also supply higher qualities down to < 0.1uS/cm. We use an RO unit (reverse osmosis) for production, with further filtration if needed for cleaner water / higher quality.


We obtain most products of coolants and have good purchasing conditions from our suppliers. In addition, we mixed the finished product, concentrate from produced with our own produced water. We buy coolants from, among others, Fuchs, Total, BASF and more.

Datasheet Deionized water


Iceofvikings AS
Vollveien 40,4354 VOLL

+47 451 40 028
Benjamin Dahle

Get a quote the same day, no later than 24 hours after sending your request!

Forespørsel sendt. Du vil få svar innen 24 timer. 

Benjamin Dahle Tel: +47 451 40 028

Visiting address: Vollveien 40, 4354 VOLL

Iceofvikikings AS org no 929635779

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